King Cobra
KING COBRA - One of the most dangerous and venomous snakes in the world. It is widely live in India and Southeast Asia. snake prefers dense forest near river or stream. it is also known as the Godfather of all snakes because they kill and eat other cobras. Also, it is the smartest snakes than others .Even if it is the most dangerous to humans, they mostly avoid us whenever possible because it is a shy!. Do you believe it is a shy reptiles ?. really it is not hazardous to us unless we threaten them. 
NAME - The king cobra
TYPE - Reptile
DEFENCE - Growling hiss, Hood, Venom.
SIZE - 13 feet (4 m long)
WEIGHT - 9.1 kg
DIET - carnivore
LIFE SPAN - almost 18 years in the wild
the IUCN declared king cobra's conservation status as vulnerable. it is difficult to count the number of remaining snakes in the world. nowadays the trending of population is decreasing because loss of habitat, deforestation, trading for skin, meat, traditional medicine and human kill for fear of snakes.
Snacks is more active in daytime. it relies on their eyesight and tongue for hunting. it uses tongue to sense vibration. snake's tongue gives information about smell and taste of their prey its surrounding from use of Jacobson's organ. King cobra mostly eats other snake, sometime eats lizard, rat and birds. when the snake is afraid , it tries to escape. if provoked by human or other predator, it rises one-third of its body to off the ground for attacking. the primary defense mechanism is "HOOD". cobra spreads its neck to hood position, it indicates aggressive of snacks. Moreover, king cobra can spit its venom for protect themselves from enemy. Even spit of snacks can kill humans, if they are not get proper treatment.
the king cobra is not in the family of true cobra species, it has own gene.
The Indian grey mongoose and other mongoose are renowned for ability to fight with snacks, particularly cobras.

It is oviparous and lay 21 to 40 white eggs in the period of January to April.
A giant 4 m long king cobra was found in a housing estate in southern Thailand. it is longest king cobra ever found.
They are the only snake that build nests for its eggs with the help of leaves.
Single bite of snakes have enough venom to kill 20 human and 1 elephant.
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